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Some of the artists from Vessel Art Co-op stand outside their new gallery in Thames. Photo: SUPPLIED

Art co-op moves next door

Eleven “environmentally-minded” artists have moved one step over into their new premises along Pollen St, Thames.
Vessel, which has been operating for just under a year, is now at 752 Pollen St, and metal artist John McKeown said the space had been good for “spurring” them on.
“We pretty much started in the middle of the pandemic, so we’ve been toughing it out,” he said.
“We find [the co-op] has spurred us all on, making sure there’s enough stock and variety in the gallery, and giving us the inspiration to lift our game.”
John said since the cooperative first kicked off, they’ve become more established and now knew what they wanted out of it.
This included having pieces for sale within the gallery, and rotating through ‘meet and greets’ with each artist once a fortnight.
“The strength of our gallery is our variety,” he said. “We’ve got jewellers, potters, painters… something to offer for everybody, and we’re all very community minded. We do it for the love of art.”
John said they were always interested in hearing from more artists, and hoped Vessel would help transform Grahamstown into an arts and culture hub.
DETAILS: To enquire, find Vessel Art on Facebook.