Local media was excluded from a press conference with the Prime Minister in Thames on Thursday after what his office called a communication “oversight”.
The Profile was invited to follow Chris Hipkins along to a red-stickered property along the Thames Coast Rd. However, The Profile was advised “not to go on” when the PM ventured up the Tapu-Coroglen.
There was to be a media stand-up at the Thames-Coromandel District Council offices in Thames at 3pm, on the PM’s return, which The Profile decided to attend; however, the Prime Minister and Mayor Len Salt instead fronted TV news cameras at Thornton Bay.
The change of venue was an “oversight”, a PM press secretary explained when questioned by The Profile, who was one of two local media agencies waiting for Mr Hipkins’ arrival on Thursday.
The secretary apologised for the “mix-up” and said they respected local journalism.
It is not the first time The Profile has been left out of site visits with visiting MPs. When Labour Minister Kieran McAnulty inspected the damage of State Highway 25A, The Profile was not invited to attend.
National TV crews were.
The Profile was provided with a private phone chat with the Prime Minister instead.

Local media was excluded from a press conference with the Prime Minister in Thames today after what his office called a communication “oversight”. Photo: SUPPLIED
Local media excluded after ‘mix-up’ with PM