With the Kōpū – Hikuai SH25A closed for the foreseeable future, Destination Hauraki Coromandel has launched a promotion to encourage Kiwis to take the coastal route of State Highway 25 and visit the tourism-reliant region.
This coming Anzac long weekend – from 21 April until 25 April – any vehicle that drives the SH25 Coromandel Loop will be in the draw. The Lucky Loop promotion uses cameras set up in secret locations from Thames to Waihi, and vehicles photographed at computer-generated random times will receive the corresponding prize. Details on the winners will be posted to luckyloop.co.nz after the weekend.
The event was orchestrated by Hahei local Marty O’Halloran, Destination Hauraki Coromandel and the Hahei residents and ratepayers association.

The prizes on offer include:
• 3 nights at Hahei Beach Resort
• Cathedral Cove Dive & Snorkel tour
• Cathedral Cove Kayaks tour
• Hahei Explorer boat trip
• Fun Zone Adventure Park admissions
• The Pour House vouchers
• Dive Zone Whitianga trip for 2
• Coromandel Oysters
The ‘Lucky Loop’ begins at Kopu North, and ends at Waihi.
The aim of the competition is to help out all the local businesses who’ve been affected by the adverse weather this year.