The Living Well Trust is hosting a series of promotion stands at PaknSave Thames each Thursday in the coming weeks to boost financial support.
The trust provides youth work in primary and secondary schools in Thames and Paeroa to restore hope, instil an appreciation for life, and inspire positive decisions towards a fulfilled life.
Co-ordinator Michael Wilkes told The Profile the trust currently had a funding gap.
“If we can get regular people in the community supporting what we do financially, then it’s just so much more sustainable than the traditional approach of looking for grants all the time,” he said.
“I’ve been hoping to increase individual support by 40 to 50 grand a year, which feels like a big number but if we had 50 people giving ten bucks a week we’ll be getting there.
“That money goes straight into the cost of programmes and then paying for staff time to provide the programmes.”
Michael said the trust had three current staff and planned to introduce another two towards next year.
“We’ve definitely got some interesting demand from a lot of people in schools locally but then also, there’s other groups outside of the region that are wanting to explore taking on the programme,” he said.
“There’s lots of parents who see the value of what we do in their kids and we still get great feedback from parents.”
DETAILS: More information online at: