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Minister Jan Tinetti (centre) and Coromandel Labour candidate Beryl Riley with students from Thames South School. Photo: ALICE PARMINTER

Minister Jan Tinetti visits Thames schools

Minister of education Jan Tinetti paid Thames a visit on June 30. It was a flying visit, with stops at Moanataiari School, Thames Early Learning Centre, Thames High School and Thames South School.
The minister also met with representatives from Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki and Hauraki Women’s Refuge, followed by an informal hui with local teachers.
The students of Thames South School drilled the minister about her role, politics, and the beehive ahead of their visit to Wellington later this year. The minister, formerly a school principal, answered questions about play-based learning, her fellow MPs and braving the media scrum on the way to Parliament.
Minister Tinetti said the trip was a chance for her to touch base with the area and get an idea of what was important to educators and service providers, as well as the children themselves.
“What we don’t want to do is create a system that’s Wellington-centric and that’s why it’s really important to come out and visit,” she said.
“You can see the local essence in the schools here.
“It’s been really great.”