Thames-Coromandel District Council says Marketview’s latest spend data shows the majority of Coromandel communities are still struggling to attract the same level of tourism as last year.
The total Coromandel tourism spend for September was $15.02 million, down almost 8 percent from $16.3 million from September 2022.
Transactions were down 4.8 percent compared to September last year, while the average spend per transaction was down 3.2 percent ($47.50 compared to $49.06).
Tairua experienced the largest decline, with spending at $692,155 – a 23.6 percent decrease. This was followed by Pauanui at $725,104 (a decrease of 19.4 percent) and Whitianga at $3,632,355 (a decrease of 18.7 percent).
On a positive note, Whangamatā experienced a 10.9 percent spend increase from September last year: the total spend was $3,247,501, with just over 70,000 transactions (an increase of 13.8 percent).
Thames experienced a slight decrease of 2.3 percent, with a small increase in transactions (1.3 percent).