There was a great turnout this week to celebrate the 150th year of the Council’s Coromandel Town building at 355 Kapanga Rd – including a ‘Pastor’ in jandals, a Town Crier and two elegantly costumed Community Board members.
Thames-Coromandel District Council said the day began with a warm welcome to the community from community board chair Gavin Jeffcoat, before Peter Sephton from Boom, Bust & Beyond Guided Heritage Tours shared some of the amazing history behind the building, which once housed the town’s post office, courthouse and police station.
Before the Karaka Bridge was built, the stream was prone to flooding, forcing intrepid locals to wade through water to collect their mail.
Mayor Len Salt donned his mayoral chains to unveil the new 150th commemoration plaque, and a short prayer of blessing was given by John Gaffkin-Cowan before the ceremony closed. Guests were treated to a delicious afternoon tea served inside the building’s former courthouse room.
“Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day, those who dressed in costume to add a sense of occasion, and everyone who came along to help celebrate this beautiful heritage landmark,” council said.