By TALLIS AUSTEN, Paeroa College Gateway Student
Car and motorcycle enthusiasts flocked to Rotary’s annual V8 Show and swap meet this year.
Rotary Paeroa president Katie McLaren said the total turnout for the event was between 2000 and 3000 people, with a wide variety of V8 cars, trucks and motorbikes on display at the Paeroa Domain on February 24.
Last year, the domain was unavailable following cyclone Gabrielle and the show had to be held at a smaller, alternative venue.
“It seemed busier than last year, the difference is in spaces because the domain is quite big, it seemed a bit more spread out because it’s a bigger space, but I think there were more people,” Katie said.
In the end, an orange V8 truck, which had been a big crowd favourite, took out the title of People’s Choice.
Around $10,000 was raised from the event, which Katie said would be put back into the community by Rotary for things like sending kids to school camps, giving donations to local families and life education trusts, and to generally aid people in need.
The event was run by lots of volunteers, from Rotarians and Lion’s club members taking money and checking vehicle numbers at the entrances, to local students sorting recycling from rubbish. “It was great to have them and also great for us, just to be a bit more environmentally friendly.” she said.
Next year will be the 20th show, and Katie said: “We’re always happy to take feedback, we’re excited to be working towards making the event even bigger and better next year”.