CAPS Hauraki has a vision that every child is safe, loved and respected within communities that are nurturing and thriving. It’s a journey and it takes us all to get there.
You can talk to us about the ‘tough stuff’ without concern that you’ll be judged. We’ll listen and offer information that supports you to choose what happens next. Some of the questions people ask us are:
How do I keep myself and my kids safe from sexual and family violence? How do I make it stop if its already happened or happening? How do I heal and move on to the life I want for me and my kids? If CAPS don’t have the service I need, where do I go?
We don’t have all the answers, but we do care and will do our best to help or point you to someone else who can.
CAPS employs a team of experienced and passionate people, who turn up every day because they want to make a difference within their community.
Some of the team have degrees, many have faced their own challenges and all stand ready to walk alongside you through the tough stuff.
We have a list of services that we could give, but better still why not give us a call and let us know what you need and we’ll go from there. Here to help!
DETAILS: Find more information on our website: or Ph 0508 2277 28 (CAPS CU); 07 868 8644 Thames; 07 862 6134 Paeroa.
– Supplied by CAPS Hauraki