Hunts Home Kills, based on the flanks of Paeroa, aims to provide top quality meats and pride in their products.
The home kill business butchers and packages animals slaughtered on farms using Nick’s Onsite Killing Services to customers’ requirements.
Mike Wright, who has owned Hunts Home Kills for nine years, said they worked with many types of animal carcasses.
“There’s a full list on the website – you can go through from pigs, sheep and beef… and we process a lot of wild game especially during hunting seasons.
“We also do a full range of small goods, bacon, ham, flavoured sausages, kransky, chorizo, salami, biersticks and meat patties.
“As long as everything goes well, everyone’s wrapped, that’s probably why we’re so busy.”
Mike said Hunts Home Kills had always aimed to be a “step ahead” with vacuum packing, which makes meat last longer in the freezer. “We’re also getting right into our barbecue cuts… and they’re booming at the moment,” he said.
CONTACT: website:, Ph: 0800 250 939.