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Protesters march through Thames to call attention to the price of petrol in the town. Photos: SUPPLIED

Protesters on parade over Thames petrol prices

A protest over Thames’ petrol prices saw approximately 150 people gather for a peaceful march on August 3. 

Protesters gathered at Goldfields Mall with banners and signs, and strode along Mary St and down Pollen St.

Their path took them past Mobil Thames and Gull, two of the four Thames petrol stations that have been accused of inflating petrol prices. Half of the protesters remained at Gull, while the rest carried on to BP 2Go on State Highway 25. 

Protest organiser Goldie Anderson told The Profile she was pleased with the turnout. 

“I think it made enough notice put on the issue that it’s got to put more pressure on these owners,” she said. 

“They’ve got until mid-August to get back [to the Commerce Commission] with a response and then we’ll go from there.”

Goldie said the protesters came from all walks of life, and she was particularly saddened to see how many elderly and disabled people were struggling with petrol prices. 

“It was really good talking to people in the community and hearing each individual’s stories for why they were there. It was so many reasons, most of them heartbreaking, you know, and all to do with the fact that they just couldn’t afford to continue to pay these prices here.”