On January 28, a pōwhiri was held to welcome all new students and staff to Hauraki Plains College.
There are 210 Year 9 students joining the school, several students in Year 10-13, and seven new staff members.
The manuwhiri [guests] were led by John Aloi, the college’s new curriculum leader of Science, and Matua Frank Thorne, from Hauraki and Ngāti Hikairo, who supported with a whaikōrero [speech].
Whaea Carrie Taipari-Thorne, the new principal at Kaiaua School, led the manuwhiri with a karanga [welcome call].
The hall was packed with 400 manuwhiri, including siblings and whānau.
The college’s staff and Year 13 students stood strong as representatives of the haukāinga [home people], welcoming in the manuwhiri, while Matua Te Waiheruata Rāwiri led its whaikōrero, and Whaea Nicky Farrant supported with a karanga.
Then, while the families and adults enjoyed morning tea, the college’s Year 9 and 13 students headed off with their River Guides to learn more about day one and to get their timetables.
With the school’s student population set to go beyond 950, Hauraki Plains College welcomes the following staff, who are joining for 2025: William Marks – Physics; John Aloi – Curriculum Leader Science; Dianne Dunchie-Coley – English; Yotam Kay – Horticulture/Social Science; Melanie Turner – Dance/Drama; Alesha Ridealgh – Humanities; Paul Dodds – Services Academy Director; Ana Van Eyk – Student Services/Reception; Tracey Barker – Wellbeing Team.
Hauraki Plains College also encourages putting two dates in the calendar for February: Thursday, February 13 at 6pm in the college hall for the Year 11 NCEA Information Evening; and Tuesday, February 18 at 6pm in the hall for the Meet the Year 9 River Guides.
– Supplied by Hauraki Plains College