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Paeroa’s main street needs a facelift, according to a recent survey. File Photo: ALICE PARMINTER

Main street ‘unsafe’: survey shines spotlight on need for $70k fix

A recent survey found only 23 per cent of people feel safe on the main street of Paeroa at night. ALICE PARMINTER reports

Lack of lighting in Paeroa’s main street was one of many concerns for those who responded to a Paeroa Business Association (PBA) survey recently.

The survey, which ran for 70 days from Christmas, was put together to gauge the public perception of Paeroa’s main shopping area on Belmont and Normanby Rds.

Of the more than 100 people who responded, 74 per cent were locals, with the remainder made up of visitors to the area.
Survey respondents rated the overall presentation of Paeroa’s main street 2.2 out of five stars. For cleanliness, the street was rated 2.8 out of five, and for building appearance 2.1.

But it was safety on the street at night that caused concern, with only 23 per cent of respondents saying they felt safe.

Those who felt unsafe at night said their main issues were the lack of lighting, not enough policing, and too many rough people “lurking around in the dark”.

Respondents said lighting was inadequate and inconsistent, with some spots that were safe and some dark areas that weren’t.

Suggested improvements included better lighting, a return of the street radio, upgraded pavements, more seating, more regular deep cleaning, painting throughout the main street to lift its appearance, and getting rid of temporary fencing.

PBA committee member Rhys Carmichael said the survey was an important first step in branding Paeroa as a desirable destination to shop and work.

“One of the key focuses for the business association is about uplifting the appearance of the main street, and the way the community feels about it,” he said.

“[The survey has] exactly reiterated all the thoughts we’ve had in the areas
where we’re focusing initially.”

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The association is already making plans to replace the more than 120 lights in the main street with more cost-efficient and reliable LED lights.

It’s expected to cost around $70,000.

“We’ve obtained the quotes, we have someone lined up who can do the work, but of course we have to get the money first,” Rhys said.

“As a business association and a not-for-profit organisation, the maintenance of at
least 120 lights is not cheap, [but] the goal is to have this sorted realistically within the next six to seven months.”

The under-verandah lighting had historically been the responsibility of the former Positive Paeroa community promotion group, and when the group became dormant, some individual businesses began maintaining their own lights, Rhys said.

However, the PBA will now be managing all the lighting, to bring consistency back to the street.

Hauraki District Council indicated it might consider reacquiring and maintaining Paeroa’s under-verandah lighting assets in the future, according to the minutes of a community partnerships committee meeting on February 12.

However, Deputy Mayor Paul Milner told The Profile it was only an idea at this stage.

“The association was quite keen to get it up to a good standard because they’re working closely with all the businesses to see what their needs are and what businesses are willing to contribute, and they’re able to get outside funding as well,” he said.

“[But] it’s certainly not off the table that that could happen.”

The business association is currently receiving guidance on the project from the council’s funding advisor.

Rhys said the survey results would help strengthen the PBA’s funding applications.

“It becomes the business district’s voice to say, ‘hey look, there’s a call within the community for this’,” he said.

“Thank you to the people who took part in it.

“And if anyone wishes to make a donation, that would be greatly appreciated. If we can make [the street] look inviting, that is going to bring more people to town, more businesses, and then in turn it’s going to put more back out into the community.”

DETAILS: To donate or find out more, contact the PBA: