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The rocket at Victoria Park, Waihī, has a special meaning to the Tapp family. PHOTO: DAVIDDA HIKATANGATA

Bench seat to be installed for young Ezra

A memorial seat will be installed at Ezra Tapp’s favourite park, giving his family a place of comfort when they pass through Waihī.
Ezra, who had autism, was three-years-old when he drowned in the Ohinemuri River near his home in Waihī, on August 12, 2014.
His mum Julia told The Profile that it was hard for her and her husband Jason to stay in the Hauraki town, especially being able to hear the river flow, so they moved back to her hometown of Whangārei in 2016.
However, a bench seat that will soon be installed in Ezra’s honour will help the family return to Waihi – because they will have “something positive to look forward to”.
“[The seat] is incredibly important to us,” Julia said. “As a mother, I struggled with how to make sure he’s remembered, and this gives us a solid object where people will sit and remember their loved ones and speak his name. It keeps his memory alive in his favourite place.
“It’ll also help us be able to come back to Waihī… [It] has been really hard to return to, even pass through, and this brings us all so much comfort.”
The bench seat has been ordered and will be located at Victoria Park, affectionately known as Rocket Park, off Seddon Ave.
The site is a special one. Ezra’s grandad helped build the rocket at the playground, Julia said, and it was her son’s favourite park to play at.
The cost of the seat was donated in full by Tamara and Stuie Thompson, while friend Amy Sleep has been handling all the paperwork.
“Those three people have made this possible,” Julia said, “and we are using any extra funds raised to make the bench wheelchair accessible and to brighten the park.”
Hauraki Mayor Toby Adams said council’s parks and reserves manager had been working with Amy Sleep to pull the project together.
He confirmed council will install a concrete pad for the bench to sit on and, if funding allowed, take the opportunity to extend the current concrete path to the bench, so people of all abilities could access it easily.
“The placement of the bench gives a full view of the whole of Victoria Park, which we’re sure will be appreciated by everyone who visits it,” Mayor Adams said. “It’s a privilege to be able to facilitate this for the family.”
Council considers requests for memorial benches on an individual basis based on feasibility of location; reason for the bench; and funding provided.
Julia hopes Ezra’s seat will give people pause.
“Please use the seat, say his name, think of your loved ones and all the beautiful memories you hold of them,” she said. “Never hold back on saying I love you.”