As part of a Valley Profile series, MEGHAN HAWKES searches through old newspapers to bring you the stories Thames Valley locals once read about themselves.
Frost fish caused a small sensation when they came ashore at Waihī Beach. The scabbard, or frost fish, had mysterious habits and why they came ashore and where they came from was a puzzle.
Those that periodically appeared at Waihī Beach were observed to shoot ashore along the top of the water at a terrific speed. One man found one some 39 feet up the beach away from the water lying in a place over which he had passed only a few minutes previously. Fancy prices were offered for these fish, which made splendid eating.
Meanwhile, vexatious delays during the building of a new bridge over the Waihōu River were finally overcome and now it was nearing completion. The Puke Bridge had all the piles driven, the swing span in the centre in position, and the decking of the bridge almost finished. The swing span could be opened with ease in a little over two minutes. The approaches on the Netherton side of the river were nearly completed, and the material for making the approaches on the Paeroa side was ready. The contractors, Messrs Kennedy and Taylor, were pushing on as rapidly as possible, and the bridge would soon be open for traffic.
At Matatoki, residents were treated to a picture entertainment for the first time in over twelve months. A large attendance watched a very good programme. ‘Scotty’ Woods of Puriri was the owner, Mr Jennings, a well known Thames boy, was the efficient operator, and Mr Lasen, manager. Miss Winnie Cooper presided at the piano and played very nicely, making the entertainment more enjoyable than it would have been without music.

They were entertained at tea on arrival by Mr and Mrs Stretton and proclaimed the entertainment and dance one of the most enjoyable they had ever attended. The musical programme was heartily applauded and the performers had to respond to vociferous encores.
Supper was provided and greatly enjoyed. Dancing was indulged in until an early hour of the morning. The Thames party returned by launch in the morning, taking pleasant memories of their trip.
The hot springs at Miranda were gaining a reputation as being responsible for remarkable cures of rheumatism.
An Auckland man, who had suffered for years, and who had been treated by many medical men, was recommended by one to try the springs, which were credited with being specially efficacious in the treatment of rheumatism, though a Thames resident who tried them found the effect nil.
The Auckland man gave the Miranda springs a trial for some weeks, and as a result was now up and about again, as well as ever.
One thousand sheep and lambs were driven round the Thames Coast after being sold by the Steedman brothers, McMahon brothers and Mr Tye, all well known settlers down the coast, to Mr Corrigan, of Morrinsville.
The sheep rested for the night in one of Mr Debbie’s paddocks and then were railed to their destination. They were in superb condition and experienced farmers expressed the opinion that the line would be hard to beat in any part of New Zealand. The Thames County sheep should surely convince the skeptical – and there appeared to be several in the district—that for sheep farming the land of Thames was eminently suitable and was in every way equal to the much praised sheep lands in other parts of New Zealand