Spring is finally here, and as flowers start to bloom it’s the perfect time to turn our attention to the things that make our place special.
This year’s annual Conservation Week runs September 2-8, and its theme calls for people to take action for nature.
Whether it’s by planting a tree or being a responsible pet owner, there’s always something you can do to help our environment and the native species that make the Coromandel special.
As the season progresses, we’ll start to see migratory birds returning to our coastlines and many of our resident birds beginning to breed.
It’s a vulnerable time for many already threatened species, and our behaviour around them can make all the difference for their survival.
For those of us who love to live in and visit the Coromandel, we have the privilege and responsibility to take action to protect our rare and special species.
Our top take action tips: be a responsible dog owner – keep your pooch on a leash and keep an eye out for wildlife even in off-lead areas.
On the beach? Give birds space and stay alert for camouflaged eggs and chicks – species like NZ dotterel/tūturiwhatu are good at hiding, but not so good at avoiding feet and vehicles.
Keep your cat at home – you’ll help protect them from cat fights and traffic, while protecting our native birds from the cat hunting instinct. Take action for nature this Conservation Week and watch as it blooms into a new season.
– Supplied by Department of Conservation