Read more about the article Call for knitters to help make blankets for seniors
Age Concern Hauraki Coromandel has put out a call for people to help knit blankets over the next two months to give to senior people in the community who need them. Photo: SUPPLIED

Call for knitters to help make blankets for seniors

Age Concern Hauraki Coromandel has put out a call for people to help knit blankets over the next two months to give to senior people in the community who need…

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Read more about the article Kōpū boat ramp set to open in May
Work on the Kōpū Marine Servicing and Business Precinct is coming along nicely, in time for its opening in May. Photo: URBAN SOLUTIONS

Kōpū boat ramp set to open in May

It’s full steam ahead for Thames-Coromandel’s Kōpū Marine Servicing and Business Precinct which, once complete, could provide around 100 jobs.With the marine work finished, contractors were now focused on the…

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Read more about the article Feminism and fire fighting for new deputy
Siobhan Flanigan is the first female Deputy Chief Fire Officer in Thames Volunteer Fire Brigade’s history. Siobhan says she wants to normalise women in the service. Photo: ALICE PARMINTER

Feminism and fire fighting for new deputy

The softly-spoken, petite woman sitting in the Thames Volunteer Fire Brigade office is not the image of a stereotypical firefighter. But Siobhan Flanigan, Thames’ newly-appointed Deputy Chief Fire Officer, is…

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