Read more about the article Clay and eggshell mosaic to feature
Jen Hawkeswood works predominantly with acrylic and mixed media but in recent years, she has explored eggshell mosaic and pigment painting. Photo: SUPPLIED

Clay and eggshell mosaic to feature

Jen Hawkeswood is the first of Thames Art Gallery’s featured artists for March.She is largely self- taught and is motivated by everyday life and community events in the Coromandel, having…

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Read more about the article Rare disease diagnosis: ‘I live on a knife edge’
Frances Hellendoorn’s quality of life has been impacted enormously after being diagnosed with a rare disease. Photo: SUPPLIED

Rare disease diagnosis: ‘I live on a knife edge’

By FRANCES HELLENDOORN Acromegaly and the panhypopituitarism that followed are difficult words to pronounce and even harder to understand. My name is Frances Hellendoorn. I live in Thames with my…

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