Read more about the article Sheep mauled to death by dog in Te Puru
Ernie Sunlay’s Thames Coast paddock was a grim sight on the mornings of May 22 and 26, when two separate attacks by an unknown dog fatally injured his two wethers and an ewe. FILE PHOTO

Sheep mauled to death by dog in Te Puru

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENTA “placid and trusting” ewe that used to be petted by the children of Te Puru was one of three sheep attacked and killed by a roaming dog.…

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Read more about the article <strong>Feeling effects of crash five months on</strong>
Janine and her daughter Amelia were on their way home to Paeroa when the December, 2022 crash occurred, just on the outskirts of Puriri on State Highway 26. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Feeling effects of crash five months on

For Janine Parrish, the simplest things can sometimes be the most difficult.Since the head-on crash that put her in hospital for more than five weeks and has rid her of…

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